The Mill House care home Working with social care settings to hear how services work for residents and where they could be improved. 12 December 2023 Report
How was your primary care? Your experiences at the doctors, community pharmacies, dentists and opticians 30 November 2023 Report
Making aids and equipment services work better for people People's experiences of what helps them to live more independently at home or after a return from hospital 28 November 2023 Report
GP website health check-up How easy to use, up to date and accessible is yours? 27 November 2023 Report
What are people's experiences of urgent care? Our latest findings reveal what people have been telling us about their experience of urgent care services. 22 November 2023 Report
Saint Cecilia’s Nursing Home Working with social care settings to hear how services work for residents and where they could be improved. 14 November 2023 Report
Rurality and the healthcare barriers Why people living in our rural areas struggle to access the care they need 1 November 2023 Report
Rosedale Nursing Home Working with social care settings to hear how services work for residents and where they could be improved. 25 October 2023 Report
Insight into the public's health and care views We've looked closely at some issues people told us about to help NHS and social care decision-makers improve support. 29 September 2023 Report
Healthwatch shares insight into experiences of mental health support More people have been sharing their experiences of NHS mental healthcare to help improve services for everyone. 18 September 2023 Report
The public's experience of mental health services Understanding adult's experiences of mental health services, what needs to change, and what is being done to help make things better. 25 July 2023 Report