Rosedale Nursing Home

Healthwatch North Yorkshire has a legal power to visit health and social care services and see them in action. This power is known as 'Enter and View' and offers a way for us to meet some of our statutory functions and to identify what is working well with services and where they could be improved. We also get a response from the care homes to our recommended actions.
Read the full report:
Rosedale Nursing Home - Enter and View
Purpose of the visit
- To visit and gather views of the residents and their relatives and the experiences of the services provided.
- To observe the ongoing care being provided for the residents and their interaction with staff and their surroundings.
During the visit
Our authorised representatives visited the home and spoke with residents, residents’ relatives and friends, and care home staff, as well as conducted a planned observation.
We heard from:
- 16 residents
- 21 residents’ friends or family members
- 35 members of staff, whose feedback forms the basis of this report and our rating of the Rosedale Nursing Home.
Key findings
We found that at the time of our visit Rosedale Nursing Home was operating to a good standard. These findings were based on our observations, and reflects the general happiness of residents, family and friends of residents and staff members, shared with Healthwatch. The atmosphere was very homely, and the staff knew residents well. The home was clean, and everyone felt safe.
However, there were a few issues highlighted and we have made suggestions for review and improvement. One of the principal areas we identified for improvement, which impacts the quality of life and care in the home, is that more could be done to encourage a social atmosphere amongst residents and provide activities that are inclusive to everyone.

Positive feedback
- The home was clean and welcoming.
- The staff were friendly and helpful.
- All rooms were clean and well-personalised and gave the impression of being very warm and welcoming.
- Kitchen staff had developed good relationship with the residents, which seemed to benefit individuals' needs/requirements in general.
- The garden was recently mown and in a good state. The garden area was reasonably extensive relative to the size of Rosedale Nursing Home.
Recommended areas for improvement - and the action being taken
Clear parking signage would really help the visitors in general, as well as to ensure access to health and care professionals on arrival.
"The home has never received any complaints previously regarding car park facilities. There are 17 car parking spaces and a large public car park less than 2 minutes’ walk away. An additional car parking sign will be purchased and put on display."
Revisiting the activities plan to ensure it is a regular routine for everyone and inclusive. Gather residents’ individual feedback to identify which type of activities, as well as social interaction, would encourage them to participate and benefit via physical and mental interaction (as much as possible).
"Our lifestyle coordinator was on annual leave the week of the visit. In this situation the care team offer options to the residents. Entertainment was booked in, but cancelled at the last minute, hence the remark about activities not materialising. More guidance is to be given to the team on provision of activities when the lifestyle coordinator is absence. The home manager will conduct a survey with the residents about activity choices."
Review the food offer to respond to some concerns shared about the food quality, variety, and choice.
"Every meal is offered with two options, however if someone would prefer something that is not on the menu then another option will be provided. The regional hospitality manager will visit to review menus and meal preparation to see if improvements are required."
Encouraging the residents, where appropriate, to have regular visits to the garden and outside space, which would benefit a healthy and active lifestyle on a regular basis.
"On the day in question people had been encouraged to go outside but most chose not to. One lady did go outside for cigarettes, another lady was taken out for a walk by a team member. All activities programmes include outside activities when weather is suitable. The team support people to go out whenever possible. This will be included in future activity programmes."
Undertake a staff training assessment to identify training gaps and refresher training needed aligned to care needs.
"Additional training has taken place recently and more is booked in. A training assessment is to be conducted."
Review the staff well-being support policy to ensure that appropriate and relevant support is offered to the team and some concerns about workload addressed.
"The company has recently reviewed this policy and has put in place a huge range of rewards and support for employees. Rewards manager to visit the home to explain all of the rewards on offer."