Latest news and views
Have your say to help improve local cancer services
The Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance is working to better understand the region’s cancer awareness levels, and they need your help.
North Yorkshire Council faces losing millions of pounds in vital funding - our response
Rural councils, including North Yorkshire Council, face significant financial pressures due to rising costs, inflation, and increased demand for…
NHS travel troubles: Barriers patients face getting to appointments
With growing pressure on health services and the high cost of living, travelling to care is another expense many people struggle to afford.
A guide to your local GP practice
Information on how to access GP services, including making appointments, understanding patient rights, managing prescriptions, using digital health…
Latest reports and publication
The themes that impact people who find it harder to access healthcare
A roundup of what we've been hearing recently - good and bad - and what we'd like to change.
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Why equality, diversity and inclusion matter
At Healthwatch, we believe that everyone deserves fair and equal access to health and care services.
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