'Focus on' winter - Your experiences of health and care
"I always feel lonely and isolated from the world in winter."
We asked...
- Does anything worry you about your health and healthcare services in winter?
- What are you doing to help keep yourself well in winter?
- What can Healthcare services do to help keep you well in Winter?
Thank you to everyone who provided responses and shared your thoughts and experiences. The responses to the survey were used to develop this briefing paper which was included at the January NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board meeting and helped to make sure that real experiences are considered and are influencing decisions.
An integrated care board (or ICB) is a statutory NHS organisation which is responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in a geographical area. It is part of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, along with local Healthwatch.
"I am aware, and media tell me often enough that health services are over stretched, I feel guilty and uncomfortable ‘taking up’ a doctor’s time. I do understand that further down the line, this could contribute to me needing more medical help."
"Promote free flu jabs and go out to where people are - use community settings. Consider the message of self-care and how we reach all our diverse communities."