Help young people have their voices heard | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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We want to improve the future health of today’s young people.

Could you help us?

Coast and Vale Community Action are working with local Healthwatch to provide community connectors. These are volunteers who go out and listen to people's views and experiences of health and social care services (good and bad).

As part of our legal powers as a Healthwatch, we can then raise issues and concerns with those in the NHS who can make change happen, as well as championing what is working well.

Read the job description

Benefits for you as a volunteer

  • Increase your confidence and develop new skills
  • Free training
  • Experience of working with health and social care organisations
  • References to add to your CV
  • Meeting new people

Why it's important

Coast and Vale Community Action is interested in helping support your local Healthwatch to tackle health inequalities. Health inequalities are the differences in the status of people’s health, but also the care that people receive and the opportunities that they have to lead healthy lives. Community Connectors can ensure that we reach the voices of those that don't always feel included, by talking to their friends, their peers, local youth groups and other places where young people go – in this way we can all have a voice in shaping the services that matter to us.

What issues do we want to hear about?

NHS England have identified five areas that require improvement to reduce health inequalities in children and young people. This is called Core20PLUS5. Community connectors will listen to anyone’s experiences of health and social care services but there will be a focus on gathering feedback on:

  1. Asthma
  2. Diabetes
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Oral health
  5. Mental health

How you can get involved

We want to recruit young people aged 16 – 25 years to speak with other young people (aged 14-25 years) to hear their story, including any barriers they may have faced and any solutions they may recommend.

Information will be treated in confidence. We will not use your name.

For more information, or an informal chat, please contact Coast and Vale Community Action.

01723 480 033

Complete the online application form