Young people's healthcare experiences | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Young people's healthcare experiences

Share your views (or someone you know) of accessing (or trying to access) health and social care services. Giving feedback, good and bad, can help improve care.
A young person sat on a sofa talking with an adult

Are you aged 14 to 25 and had a healthcare experience with the NHS or with a social care service? How was it?

We're working with Coast and Vale Community Action to listen to experiences.

As an independent organisation for people who use health and social care services, our sole purpose is to listen to how people feel and make care better.

We want to hear from young people to gather feedback to help ensure care meet everyone’s needs. You can leave feedback about any experience you've had.

The survey is open to people who use or have used services in North Yorkshire, York, North East Lincolnshire and East Riding.

What you tell us will help to improve services and let staff and services know when they've got it right.

Take the survey here 

What do we want to hear about?

NHS England have identified five areas that require improvement to reduce health inequalities in children and young people. Health inequalities are the unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population, and between different groups within society. In particular, we would like to hear from those with experience of:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Oral health
  • Mental health

The project is funded by the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership who work together to plan and deliver health and care services, and to improve the lives of people locally.

Share your views as a young person

We know it's frustrating when you're repeatedly asked to leave feedback. But it’s really important that you continue to share your experiences – whether good or bad, happy or sad. If you’ve had a negative experience, it’s easy to think there’s no point in complaining and that ‘nothing ever changes’. Or, if you’ve had a great experience, that you ‘wish you could say thank you’. 

Remember, your feedback is helping to improve people’s care. So if you need advice or are ready to tell your story – we’re here to listen.

Take the survey here

This survey is confidential.

Giving us feedback will not affect your care.