More consistency in NHS maternity services in Harrogate

The maternity unit at Harrogate Hospital delivers approximately 2,000 births annually for women from Harrogate and from the surrounding areas.
Their aim is to work to provide you and your family with a safe, friendly and effective service, aiming to deliver the highest standard of care throughout your pregnancy, birth and during the first few weeks following your baby’s birth.
Healthwatch heard from a number of people for our insight into healthcare report, which we put together every four months from all the feedback we get through on the phone, email, post and website.
Your feedback
There were a number of people who shared their views on Harrogate Hospital, with a mix of positive, negative and mixed feedback.
Some feedback about the maternity unit was positive and appreciative, however people did highlight to us the issues of not seeing the same healthcare professional and the impact this is having.
“The only thing I would say is that post-pandemic, there is more of a 'musical chairs' quality about getting assigned to a midwife and obstetrician - you seldom see the same person twice. However, the individuals themselves represent the best of the NHS.”
Response from NHS Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
"Work is on-going in both community and antenatal clinic to improve the continuity of the carer provided to people in maternity services. The community midwife who initially sees the service user for the booking appointment will keep that person on their caseload for the whole of their maternity journey. Community midwives work in small teams to reduce the number of midwives providing care during times of annual leave of the named midwife."
"In the antenatal clinic, work has been completed with the admin staff to ensure that a consultant is allocated as required and this allocated consultant oversight is consistent throughout the pregnancy. Work is underway to also provide consistency with the midwives and maternity support workers allocated to each clinic to again improve the consistency of the member of the team that the service user is seen by."
Patient Experience Manager, NHS Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
”This is an amazing maternity unit staffed by a great team who for both of my children ensured a safe delivery where I felt listened to and supported.”