Craven Nursing Home | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Craven Nursing Home

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In this report, we summarise the findings gathered during the visit on 22 July 2022, as well as feedback shared through survey responses gathered before and after the visit.

Purpose of the visit

  • To visit and gather views of the residents and their relatives and the experiences of the services provided.
  • To observe the ongoing care being provided for the residents and their interaction with staff and their surroundings.

​​​​During the visit

Our authorised representatives visited the home and spoke with residents, residents’ relatives and friends, and nursing home staff.

We heard from 20 residents, 10 residents’ friends or family members, and seven members of staff whose feedback forms the basis of this report.

Key findings

We found that at the time of our visit Craven Nursing Home was operating to a good standard. These findings were based on our observations, and reflects the general happiness of residents, family and friends of residents and staff members. The home has evidently undergone significant changes due to the pandemic and is set to implement further upgrades to the home.

However, there were a few issues highlighted and we have made suggestions for review and improvement. One of the main areas we identified for improvement, which impacts the quality of life and care in the home, is to increase the ratio of staff to residents. At the time of the visit, the nursing home manger confirmed plans to recruit more staff.

Positive feedback

  • Overall, residents, friends and family members, and staff are generally happy with the home.
  • The residents felt positive about their personal cleanliness and hygiene and that of the home.
  • The home communicates well with family and friends of residents.
  • There is a clear understanding of where to go to raise concerns and issues.
  • The home responded positively to how care, support and communication was delivered during COVID-19.

Recommended areas for improvement and actions taken

Review internal signage particularly the size of signage, font size and use of images/symbols

  • Wayfinding has been improved through improvement to lighting.

  • Orientation aids such as coloured toilet seats and orientation clock.

Increase the ratio of staff to residents at the home to satisfactory levels that meet the needs of the residents 

  • A dependency tool is utilised to determine staffing. 

  • Home is fully recruited +10% extra to allow for cover for annual leave/sickness. 

  • New system for annual leave booking implemented to minimise impact to staffing.

Provide opportunities for residents to have more active lifestyles 

  • An activity co-ordinator is allocated to each unit. 

  • The home has purchased a mini bus that they have been utilising for trips out. 

  • Time outdoors is promoted. 

  • Exercise groups are an integral part of the activity planner. 

  • Each unit has it’s own activity plan – residents off any unit can choose which activity they wish to attend if they so wish. 

  • Example of activities so far this month include plumbing pipe work, 1:1 room visits assisted by resident, clay modelling, star gazing in the garden with a spotter, bird box building, massage therapy, exercise class, accordion player, afternoon tea, lunch trip out to Moss & Moor, flower arranging, trip in the countryside, reminiscence, magic table and a book club.

Prioritise the development of residents care plans and ensure they include sensory health needs 

  • Person-centred detail has improved in care plans. 

  • Example care plans have been created. 

  • Care planning guidance has been issued to staff.  

  • A nurses meeting was held. 

  • Care plans updated and we continue to work through.

Craven Nursing Home - Enter and View

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