Thistle Hill Care Home

In this report, we summarise the findings gathered during the visit on 11 August 2022 and feedback shared through survey responses gathered before and after the visit.
Purpose of the visit
- To visit and gather views of the residents and their relatives and the experiences of the services provided.
- To observe the ongoing care being provided for the residents and their interaction with staff and their surroundings.
During the visit
Our authorised representatives visited the home and spoke with residents, residents’ relatives and friends, and care home staff. We heard from 17 residents, 11 residents’ friends or family members, and 10 members of staff including volunteers, whose feedback forms this report’s basis.
Key findings
We found that at the time of our visit Thistle Hill Care Home was operating to a good standard. These findings were based on our observations, and reflects the general happiness of residents, family and friends of residents and staff members. However, there were a few issues highlighted and we have made suggestions for review and improvement. One of the main areas we identified for improvement, which impact the quality of life and care in the home, are to increase the number of staff available during the night, improve food quality and provide activities that are inclusive to everyone.
Positive feedback
- Overall, the residents and their family and friends were generally happy with the home.
- The residents felt positive about the cleanliness and hygiene of themselves and the home.
- Staff enjoy working in the home and are kept informed of any changes.
- The care home communicates well with family and friends of residents, and they have a clear understanding of where to go to raise concerns and issues.
Recommended areas for improvement + action taken since our visit
1. Promote the ratio of staff at the home to satisfactory levels to meet the needs of the residents particularly during the night
Staffing levels are calculated using a resident dependency tool. This is reviewed on a monthly basis, as part of a resident of the day process, and is also reviewed as and when any needs change. The general manager completes a daily staffing allocation to ensure that all units are staffed safely and that the correct skill mix is used.
2. Ensure when using agency staff, they receive induction training to highlight the care needs of the individual residents and provide name badges
When there is a need to use agency staff, the same ones are requested to ensure continuity of care to the residents. If there is an agency member of staff that has not previously worked at Thistle Hill, they receive an induction from the nurse in charge, prior to commencing any caring duties in the home. Agency staff have been reminded to wear a name badge.
3. Provide activities that are inclusive for everyone and tailored to individual requirements
Thistle Hill have a varied activities programme in place. Activities take place on all three units and take into account individual residents needs and preferences. They are very involved with the local community and actively support residents to be as active and involved as they want to be.
The residents are able to attend a weekly coffee morning. Recently, some of the residents spent the afternoon at the cinema, which was a special session for people living with dementia. Residents were also recently involved in a fashion show in the home.
4. Improve quality and variety of food to a good standard
A new head chef has been recruited, who has attended residents' meetings to involve them in new menu choices. A lot of positive comments have been received from residents, especially around the cooked breakfast.
5. Enhance the staff notice board in the reception area with name labels
The notice board now contains staff names.
6. Review sensory health checks to ensure they are up to date
All residents have an annual sight test from a visiting optician. If a resident does require a dentist, then this is arranged as soon as possible. There have been times when the community dentist has visited the home. All residents have an oral health assessment in place, which is reviewed regularly as part of the care planning review processes in the home. If a resident has issues with hearing, a referral will be made by the GP to the audiology department at the hospital. These are part of their care reviews.