Healthwatch North Yorkshire Annual Report 2020/2021

Over the past year we have gone through significant changes - gaining an almost entirely new staff team, more volunteers and Trustees - all whilst adapting and learning how to cope with the pandemic.
We have had an incredibly successful year and have developed strong and growing partnerships. We are optimistic and looking forward with renewed energy to representing and influencing health and social care matters that affect the people of North Yorkshire.
Highlights from our year
- We heard from 1,018 people about their experiences of health and social care
- 74,128 people visited our website
- We engaged with and signposted 393 people
- We produced 8 reports and 3 intelligence briefings
- 88 volunteers helped us carry out our work
Over the coming year our priorities will remain on gathering the public’s views on how we all recover from the pandemic. We will continue to work with healthcare organisations, the voluntary sector and the public to help improve the lives and wellbeing of communities who aren’t always listened to or involved in discussions about their health or social care.
Our plans for 2021/2022
Our work plan outlines the steps we will take over the next 12 months.
Working as a team we have decided set objectives that we will work to achieve over the next year - these objectives are in line with Healthwatch England's strategy.
If you need more information about our annual report or would like to get in touch, contact us via email at or call 01904 552 687.