Healthwatch North Yorkshire Annual Report 2019/2020

Our restructure will put us in a strong position to continue to influence healthcare providers effectively and to build a positive platform for engaging further with the people of North Yorkshire in representing their health and wellbeing needs.
Highlights from our year
- 55 volunteers helping to carry out our work, a 120% increase on 2018-19. In total, they gave up 1,602 hours.
- We employed 6 staff full-time equivalent: five members of staff.
- In North Yorkshire, we gathered the views of 530 people in surveys and focus groups.
- We received £142,500 in funding from our local authority in 2019-20.
- 1,764 people shared their health and social care story with us in person, on email and over the phone.
- 257 people contacted us for advice and information, and we signposted them to 164 different services.
- 13,331 people engaged with us through our website, a huge 207% increase on 2018-19.
- 2,074 engaged with us on Facebook, a 59% increase, and our Twitter posts had 299,593 impressions, a rise of 81%. 2,928 people engaged with us at community events.
- We published 5 reports about the improvements people would like to see with their health and social care, representing the views of 943 people, and we made 12 recommendations for improvement.
Our plans for 2020/2021
Our plans for 2020-21 are extremely simple. We will be engaging with more people than ever before across our wonderful county, in any way we can, to ensure we’re capturing and representing the full spectrum of voices and experiences of people using local services.