Healthwatch North Yorkshire Annual Report 2018/2019
We are the independent champion for people using local health and social care services. Our sole purpose is to make care better for the people.

Our annual report for 2018/2019. Find out about our work from the past year, as well as what our focuses are for the coming year.
Our highlights:
- We have had 64 new likes on our Facebook page, 117 new followers on Twitter and a huge 3951 new views on our website.
- We have 25 volunteers helping to carry out our work. In total, they gave up 600 hours of their time.
- We have sent out 16 newsletter campaigns to a total of 465 subscribers through Mailchimp.
- We have put out two surveys, 'What Matters to You’ which had 326 responses and Healthwatch England’s #WhatWouldYouDo campaign for which we received 56 responses up to March 2019.
- We have reached out to 50 groups.
- Our projects have ranged from Ambulance Handover Times and Do Not Attends to starting our own Youthwatch project.