Enter and View: Osbourne House Care Home, Selby
Our enter and view team visited Osbourne House Care Home on 27th September 2018 and have reported on their findings.

Our enter and view visit at Osbourne House was an announced visit. The focus of this visit was to ascertain the following:
- To visit and gather the views of residents, relatives and staff to their experiences and views of the services being provided to them.
- To identify the good working practice
- To observe the ongoing care being provided to the residents and their interaction with the staff and their surroundings.
- Continue to maintain the attractive, welcoming appearance of the Home and facilities.
- Create a policy for changes in management and staff that addresses and mitigates the potential for inconsistencies in care.
- Review staffing levels to ensure that standards can be improved.
- Enhance the “dementia-friendliness” of the Butterfly Wing. In particular, we recommend improving internal signage and labelling (e.g., use of words and images/symbols, consistent colour coding) and providing more sensory objects for the residents.
If you need more information, please get in touch by email admin@hwny.co.uk