Enter and View: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Enter and View: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

Our enter and view team visited Harrogate and District Foundation Trust on 7th November 2014 and have reported on their findings.


Our enter and view visit at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust was an announced visit. The purpose of the visit:

  • To gather the views of patients, relatives and carers in relation to their experiences of the services being provided.
  • Identify examples of good working practice.
  • Make observations as care is being provided to patients, and their interactions with staff and the surroundings.


  • Staff are very passionate about their work, and nursing and other care staff are highly commended by patients for the attention to their care.
  • The Trust has a good reputation for allowing staff to undertake training for progression and development of skills.
  • There was evidence of poor communication at various levels
  • Inconsistent management of, or support for dementia patients throughout the areas of the hospital we visited.
  • An innovative use of nutrition assistants and volunteers to support at meal times, with very good quality and choice of food that is prepared on site.



If you need more information, please get in touch by email admin@hwny.co.uk

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