Stockwell Road Surgery enhances website accessibility for improved patient experience
The format and layout of our website has been changed and we have made changes in response to Healthwatch's findings and report.
This is in response to "health check-up" of GP (General Practitioner) websites carried out by Healthwatch volunteers, offering their views and experiences from a public perspective.
The enhancements aim to ensure that all patients, regardless of their technical abilities or accessibility needs, can easily navigate the site and find essential information. In response to key questions about the website’s functionality and accessibility, the practice provided detailed insights into how they have addressed these issues.
A clearer format
The website has been upgraded to the NHS format. Clear, simple widgets to direct you to key pages have been added.
Upfront opening times
We have added an opening times and contact us online widget. There is also a contact us menu on the main home page banner.
More "calls to action" for patients
A ‘sick /fit note’ and 'join the surgery' call to action buttons (also known as a widgets) have been added.
Offering convenience and online appointments
Online appoointments ("e-consultations) are available and there is a link to SystmOnline. SystmOnline allows you to do things like booking appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions at a time convenient to you. SystmOnline is also available as an app, which can be used on Apple devices (iPhones and iPads) and on Android devices (mobile phones and tablets).
Offering different ways to make contact
The various ways you can contact and see a doctor or healthcare professional are outlined under the appointment or contact us pages.
More timely information
The practice news banner has been updated so the information is up to date.
Patient participation group Information
For patients interested in engaging with the practice and voicing their opinions, there is a patient participation section, including the most recent updates on meetings, and contact information. This initiative fosters a stronger connection between patients and the practice, ensuring that the patient voice is heard in decision-making processes.
Future considerations for Healthwatch information
Currently, the website does not contain information about the local HealthWatch, in line with other practices within the primary care network. Healthwatch has recommended making this available to patients and carers can share their healthcare experiences to champion good care.
We found the report very useful in highlighting key areas for improvement and we will now look to continuously make further improvements and changes to ensure the website has good accessibility and contains current, relevant content.