Our plan for 2021 - 2022

Our work plan outlines the steps we will take over the next 12 months.
Working as a team we have decided set objectives that we will work to achieve over the next year - these objectives are in line with Healthwatch England's strategy.
Our objectives
To provide timely & accurate information and advice to the public to enable them to make informed choices for their health & care needs.
To undertake research with the care home sector to understand the lessons learnt during the pandemic to support service changes in the future
To gather views from the public on COVID-19 recovery to support & influence service changes to help improve patient experience & outcomes.
To gather views from the public to help influence the delivery & commissioning of health & care services that affect them.
To Improve our awareness and reach across NY to ensure people know of us, contact us for advice and share their experiences with us.
To work with key stakeholders & organisations to support & influence service improvements in health & care.
Download a copy of our full plan to find out more.
If you need more information about our plans or would like to get in touch, contact us via email at admin@hwny.co.uk or call 01904 552 687.