COVID-19 in North Yorkshire: March-July 2020

In our new briefing COVID-19 in North Yorkshire: March-July 2020, we have captured the key themes of those experiences to help those responsible for commissioning and providing services ensure people are receiving the best possible care.
People told us how the pandemic and lockdown affected their mental health and about their experiences accessing support and patient transport. They also shared their views on phone/online medical appointments and revealed how they found it difficult to access the right information about COVID-19.
Key topics:
- Mental health
- Access to support
- Patient transport
- Phone/online appointments
- Access to information
Alongside engaging our communities through the #BecauseWeAllCare campaign, we will be looking at how changes made in the wake of the pandemic will affect people’s experiences of accessing NHS services, including the increase of digital/video consultations.
We will work with care homes across North Yorkshire to understand the experiences of staff and residents during the pandemic, and continue to look at how North Yorkshire’s issues around transport and rurality affect people’s access to care and support in the wake of COVID-19.