Thoughts on Changes to the Friarage Hospital: Views and Experiences Shared With Healthwatch North Yorkshire | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Thoughts on Changes to the Friarage Hospital: Views and Experiences Shared With Healthwatch North Yorkshire

A consultation was launched to help shape the future of key services at the Friarage hospital.


As an independent organisation, we thought it was important to give the people of North Yorkshire an open opportunity to tell us their thoughts on the Friarage Hospital, the consultation and the changes.

Key themes:

  1. Engagement was not adequately promoted to raise awareness.
  2. Significant problems with the admin processes of booking on to the engagement events
  3. Concern about data protection.
  4.  A perception that the loss of the Friarage A&E department will eventually lead to more cuts or the complete closure of the hospital.
  5. The pervasive and pertinent issue of travel in rural communities.
  6. Lack of communication with GPs or other hospitals.
  7. Miscommunication between hospital and patients.
  8. Mental health was an area of specific concern.
  9. Not all feedback was negative and many thought that the staff were extremely welcoming

We will be reviewing the impact of the research findings by keeping positive and collaborative working relationships with stakeholders. We also ensure that any information we receive is fed directly to Healthwatch England to be monitored at a national level as well as at a local level.

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