Hospital discharge: what was your experience? | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Hospital discharge: what was your experience?

The patient experience team at local hospitals and Healthwatch volunteers are asking patients for feedback on their experience of being discharged from hospital.
Male nurse wearing wheeling a patient in a wheelchair through a hospital lobby.

The patient experience team at local hospitals and Healthwatch volunteers are asking patients for feedback on their experience of being discharged from the following hospitals:

  • Bridlington Hospital
  • Malton Community Hospital
  • Nelsons Court
  • Scarborough Hospital
  • St. Monica's Easingwold
  • The New Selby War Memorial Hospital
  • White Cross Court
  • York Hospital

Please reflect and respond in relation to your experience of being discharged - you can tell those in charge of hospitals as little or as much as you feel comfortable with. 

Your answers are anonymous and confidential.

Why you are being asked for feedback

York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust want to:

  • improve the patient journey through hospital to home
  • recognise and ‘unblock’ delays
  • support safe and timely discharge
  • challenge, improve and simplify processes within a patient’s journey.

Local NHS hospitals want to make things better for patients, with a high-quality service at the point of discharge and reducing the risk of complications from staying in hospital for a long time. It could also reduce pressure in our emergency departments and create more ‘flow’ through the system, which we all recognise is a challenge.

This is about being as effective as the NHS can, with the resources they've got.

Listening to the experience of people receiving care and treatment, their carers, and their families can provide insight and information to help the local NHS learn about what they are doing well and what they could improve.

How to share your views

Complete the survey here

We're inviting people to comment on their experience of being discharged from York and Scarborough Hospital Trust between the period of 20th November 2024 and 28th November 2024. If you or someone you care for has recently left hospital, please tell us about the experience.

The closing date is Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 5pm 

You can also share your views about hospital care before this November 2024, from any hospital you might have been to - whether in North Yorkshire or if you have to travel away from home. To do this, let your local Healthwatch know.

Phone 01423 788 128


Learn more about hospital discharge

Each hospital has its own discharge policy. You should be able to get a copy from the ward manager or the hospital's Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Once you're admitted to hospital, your treatment plan, including details for discharge or transfer, will be developed and discussed with you.

A discharge assessment will determine whether you need more care after you leave hospital.

You should be fully involved in the assessment process. With your permission, family or carers will also be kept informed and given the opportunity to contribute.

If you need help putting your views across, an independent advocate may be able to help.

Learn more about hospital discharge

Planning care before you leave hospital