What's important for your hospital care?
To make sure hospital care meets your needs, they are seeking your views on what's important.
How would you like to see hospital care in Northallerton or Richmond improve?
This could include care you or your loved ones have received on wards, in outpatient departments or in your own home, by doctors, nurses, (including district nurses and health visitors) and other health care professionals, such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
What was your experience?
Click here to take the online survey
Why we are asking
North Tees & Hartlepool and South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts have come together to strengthen their offer of patient care.
To make sure future ways of working meet your needs, the hospitals have asked local Healthwatch to reach out to you. We would like to give you the opportunity to hear from the hospitals about the ways they work together and listen to your views on what they could do differently.
This survey is not intended to capture your views on social or at home care that you receive provided outside of the hospital sites listed below. Neither is it intended to capture care which is delivered at your doctor's surgery or by practice nurses. You can still leave feedback for those - please do so on our have your say webpage.
The questions in this survey relate to services delivered across the following hospital sites.
North Tees:
- University Hospital of North Tees (Stockton)
- University Hospital Hartlepool
- Peterlee Community Hospital
South Tees:
- James Cook University Hospital (Middlesbrough)
- The Friarage Hospital (Northallerton)
- Redcar Primary Care Hospital
- East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital (Brotton)
- The Friary Community Hospital (Richmond)
Share your views with us
We encourage people to take part in the survey, including anyone you care for.
Throughout this survey, it refers to the group model, which means the two hospital trusts working together.
Click here to take the online survey
Download and complete the paper survey
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Which local Healthwatch are involved?
- Healthwatch Hartlepool
- Healthwatch Middlesbrough
- Healthwatch North Yorkshire
- Healthwatch Redcar & Cleveland
- Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees
- Healthwatch Darlington