Latest free cancer champion awareness sessions announced | Healthwatch Northyorkshire

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Latest free cancer champion awareness sessions announced

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance is raising awareness of cancer by offering free awareness and educational sessions.

Would you recognise the signs and symptoms of cancer?

One in two people will develop cancer at some point in their life. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer and detecting it early can save lives.

The Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance’s free cancer awareness sessions can teach you about what to look for, cancer prevention, the national cancer screening programmes, and much, much more.

Join over 6,900 others and sign up for a free face-to-face or virtual awareness session. Alternatively, they can offer a bespoke session for your team, group or organisation. Please visit their website for further information.

If you have any queries, please email the team at or call 07519 120 809.