Accessibility checklist for GP practices

Imagine that you were going through the same journey as your patients - what would help to make sure that your care needs are being met?
This checklist will help you make sure that your practice is accessible.
There are some steps that GP practices can take to improve the experience patients have.
Although this checklist does not cover every aspect of accessibility good practice, it does provide a starting point for discussion and for planning to make improvements.
I couldn’t enter the consulting room to speak to my GP as I couldn’t get my wheelchair through the door so I had to have my consultation with the GP with me sitting outside in the corridor.
Things to consider
Outside space
- Is there disabled parking?
- Is there enough space for a disabled person to exit a car safely?
- Is the path to the surgery accessible to people with limited mobility or sensory impairment?
- Are handrails placed on both sides of slopes leading to an entrance door?
- Is the route from the entrance into the surgery free of obstacles?
- What size is the entrance, is it suitable for wheelchair access?
- Are any signs for disabled toilets at eye level?
- Is there enough leg space under the sink?
- Are sink taps levers?
- Is there a caution sign for very hot water?
- Are paper and soap dispensers, as well as hand dryers at a suitable height?
- What size is the entrance, is it suitable for wheelchair access?
- Do you have a procedure to follow when someone falls?
Seating, signs and fire exits
- Is seating available in a choice of heights?
- Are the fire exits accessible by wheelchair?
- Is there LED signage/clear microphone for signalling patients?
- Is there a hearing loop?
- Is information available in different formats, such as large print or braille?
- Is the counter height accessible to wheelchairs?
- Is there a quiet space and buzzer system for people who may experience sensory overload?
- Do you publicise to patients that a quiet space can be given upon request?
Contact us
If you have come up against accessibility barriers with your local GP and struggled to resolve them, please contact us.